Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The "Other" reading attempts

Good morning dear reader. How are we feeling this fine day? The last day of 2015.

So before I embark on my next book review I will explain my jouney from literary void to imagery bliss.

After reading "the time keeper"  I was so excited to get my reading MOJO back that i grabbed at any book and I fell right back into the void of blank words and suspend emotion.
This was where I got desperate, I started grabbing at anything.
My desparstion turned into panic as I started reading my girlhood favorite, "Anne of Green Gables". Chapter after chapter I felt nothing, I kept getting distracted by passing thoughts and other duties. The absorption that I desired just never engulfed me like I expected. So I went to my beloved Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, and again I felt absolutely nothing.
That was when the panic set in. I grabbed at anything, I thought my tastes must have changed. So I went from crime and mystery novels, to  biograpghies and non fiction picture books. I even tried those ridiculous 50 shade books uggghh!!!
I had hit rock bottom and was about to give up when 2 dear friends of mine gave me a gift voucher for my birthday to an online bookshop, where I ordered a moutian of books all for me. And with great trepidation I opened my first book and thus my literally flame came back to life.
This journey took about 2 and a half years. It was a long tunnel to walk but the light at the end is just wonderful.
That is what happened to me so if you are still in the void dont panic keep trying and you will get it back I promise.
Happy reading my lovely reader xoxo.

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