Sunday, December 27, 2015

A new year resolution.

Well hello there my lovely reader how are you its been nearly 2 years since my last post.
Not sure why and to be completely honest the whole reason is that I have been terribly focused on being unfocused.
This whole mum thing and having a separate passion is actually really really really hard. Then add a job on top of that and Bam!!! Organization out the window.
So now that i have a new whiz bang phone, employment that gives me regular money and the fact that it will be a new year in less than a week. I am starting one of my new year resolutions. So what are my resolutions

1 - starting running again
2- stay in regular contact with my pals more often
3 - start creating again.

So - goals 1 and 2 are long term achievable goals but goal 3 - i cant wait i need to start now. And my choice of creativity is writing. So here i am. Why writing?
Well Words are easier to carry around than a loom or a knitting machine. However i do agree that words can  sometimes be heavier than the physical, but at least they are more compact so my creating starts here with rambling.
There you go so Ill try and post again tomorrow. Wish me luck xoox

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