Monday, December 28, 2015

My inner book worm

Wow I am doing this. This is my second post in as many days woooowhoooo!!

So Hello my dear reader.... soooooo.... ummmm.... not much to chat about really.

Oh hang on

Ok So after having my wonderful LM I did notice that certain parts of my original self had.. well... kind of vanished. Not a big dramatic hole or anything like that I just  noticed one day that certain parts of my MO weren't there any more.
I am not interly sure if this bothers me or not i certainty do not miss party Allison and the hang overs thats for sure. But one thing i struggled to get back was the passion and concentration of reading wonderful fiction.
I loved reading and analyzing books, charaters, and their philosophy and contemplating the meaning of the words written for me on the pages i held.
I loved to imagine grasp and ponder, situations metaphors and joys of each charater and events, described for me, and revel in the excitment of reading someones words that stir images of bright colours and emotions flooding into my brain.

I lost all of that when LM was born. Every time i started a novel it was like the words written across the page where stale. Just black ink on a flat page. No imagery no passion. To be honest, for the first time in my whole life I found reading boring.
I think This translated to my own writing as well and another reason for my lack of blogging. I mean how can i write if I dont even want to read?

So after awhile of failed reading attempts. It happened!! I found a novel and read it through, start to finish. I can't remember the the title or the author, i just remeber the picture on the cover. It was a gigantic watch. And it was about the father of time. It was a fantastic book. I was so excited that i had found my inner book worm again i instantly grabbed at another book. But alas my inner book worm retreated back to its hiding place and I struggled for another 12 months in a void of empty words and fading memories of beautiful literature off in a deserted imagination with only a perfect mirage of light and colour on the horizon of passion and art.
I was frightened that I had turned into "one of those people whom do not read" arrrrgggg.
But i was rescued this year, by a gift voucher from a couple of my bookie friends who must have seen my struggle.
So I took one last dive into the world of words and volia i found myself. I rediscovered my inner book worm curled up safe and warm in my heart after all this time.
So my lovely reader the next few posts will be reviewing these novels and also talking about some of the failures I read on my journey back to the literary.
This is going to be fun xoxo

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