Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The "Other" reading attempts

Good morning dear reader. How are we feeling this fine day? The last day of 2015.

So before I embark on my next book review I will explain my jouney from literary void to imagery bliss.

After reading "the time keeper"  I was so excited to get my reading MOJO back that i grabbed at any book and I fell right back into the void of blank words and suspend emotion.
This was where I got desperate, I started grabbing at anything.
My desparstion turned into panic as I started reading my girlhood favorite, "Anne of Green Gables". Chapter after chapter I felt nothing, I kept getting distracted by passing thoughts and other duties. The absorption that I desired just never engulfed me like I expected. So I went to my beloved Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, and again I felt absolutely nothing.
That was when the panic set in. I grabbed at anything, I thought my tastes must have changed. So I went from crime and mystery novels, to  biograpghies and non fiction picture books. I even tried those ridiculous 50 shade books uggghh!!!
I had hit rock bottom and was about to give up when 2 dear friends of mine gave me a gift voucher for my birthday to an online bookshop, where I ordered a moutian of books all for me. And with great trepidation I opened my first book and thus my literally flame came back to life.
This journey took about 2 and a half years. It was a long tunnel to walk but the light at the end is just wonderful.
That is what happened to me so if you are still in the void dont panic keep trying and you will get it back I promise.
Happy reading my lovely reader xoxo.

The Time Keeper.

GWell hello my lovely reader

So my favorite book (at the moment) is titled The Time Keeper by Mitch Albom: it's about a man born close to the begining of the world and starts to record and count the quantity of time. He comes into a  conflict with the creator and thus begins the amazing journey you embark.
There are other characters with in this story that grip you and carry you along but the one constant theme is time it's movement and the control or lack of control that all beings have and the delusions or illusions, truth or denial people have about their own situation in life is just fascinating.
It really struck a cord with me as all new parents deal with this very same philosophical question.
It starts with - Routine routine routine. Then the questions:
How long should they sleep?
How long between feeds?
How long should they cry?
When should I go back to work?
Am i working to much,
Am i not spending enough time with them?
When do i do the chores?

I could go on, the list is boring and endless but I am sure you get my drift.

This writing stired and spoke to a reality in me that i did not realise I was in. This is why I say this is my favorite  book as I hadn't felt that for so long as I had been in Baby land for way to long.
You see when in baby land you live completely in the present there is no future maybe the slight glimer of guilt concerning the past ie: i should have brushed my teeth this morning but other wise your brain and time is totally suspended in a bubble that time seems to flow over like a river does to a rock. And there I stayed happy blissfully unaware of my situation.
Until time wore down my bubble and came flooding in with this book.
After I finished the novel i posted my achievement on face book and then Started to calculate how long it had actually been since I had done something completely rewarding for myself like that and not connected with my little one.
The water came rushing in and thus my desire to read came back into life.

This novel is inspiring and the imagery, striking and beautiful. I highly recommend this novel to anyone feeling lost or out of sorts with themselves

I borrowed it from my local library xoxox

Monday, December 28, 2015

My inner book worm

Wow I am doing this. This is my second post in as many days woooowhoooo!!

So Hello my dear reader.... soooooo.... ummmm.... not much to chat about really.

Oh hang on

Ok So after having my wonderful LM I did notice that certain parts of my original self had.. well... kind of vanished. Not a big dramatic hole or anything like that I just  noticed one day that certain parts of my MO weren't there any more.
I am not interly sure if this bothers me or not i certainty do not miss party Allison and the hang overs thats for sure. But one thing i struggled to get back was the passion and concentration of reading wonderful fiction.
I loved reading and analyzing books, charaters, and their philosophy and contemplating the meaning of the words written for me on the pages i held.
I loved to imagine grasp and ponder, situations metaphors and joys of each charater and events, described for me, and revel in the excitment of reading someones words that stir images of bright colours and emotions flooding into my brain.

I lost all of that when LM was born. Every time i started a novel it was like the words written across the page where stale. Just black ink on a flat page. No imagery no passion. To be honest, for the first time in my whole life I found reading boring.
I think This translated to my own writing as well and another reason for my lack of blogging. I mean how can i write if I dont even want to read?

So after awhile of failed reading attempts. It happened!! I found a novel and read it through, start to finish. I can't remember the the title or the author, i just remeber the picture on the cover. It was a gigantic watch. And it was about the father of time. It was a fantastic book. I was so excited that i had found my inner book worm again i instantly grabbed at another book. But alas my inner book worm retreated back to its hiding place and I struggled for another 12 months in a void of empty words and fading memories of beautiful literature off in a deserted imagination with only a perfect mirage of light and colour on the horizon of passion and art.
I was frightened that I had turned into "one of those people whom do not read" arrrrgggg.
But i was rescued this year, by a gift voucher from a couple of my bookie friends who must have seen my struggle.
So I took one last dive into the world of words and volia i found myself. I rediscovered my inner book worm curled up safe and warm in my heart after all this time.
So my lovely reader the next few posts will be reviewing these novels and also talking about some of the failures I read on my journey back to the literary.
This is going to be fun xoxo

Sunday, December 27, 2015

A new year resolution.

Well hello there my lovely reader how are you its been nearly 2 years since my last post.
Not sure why and to be completely honest the whole reason is that I have been terribly focused on being unfocused.
This whole mum thing and having a separate passion is actually really really really hard. Then add a job on top of that and Bam!!! Organization out the window.
So now that i have a new whiz bang phone, employment that gives me regular money and the fact that it will be a new year in less than a week. I am starting one of my new year resolutions. So what are my resolutions

1 - starting running again
2- stay in regular contact with my pals more often
3 - start creating again.

So - goals 1 and 2 are long term achievable goals but goal 3 - i cant wait i need to start now. And my choice of creativity is writing. So here i am. Why writing?
Well Words are easier to carry around than a loom or a knitting machine. However i do agree that words can  sometimes be heavier than the physical, but at least they are more compact so my creating starts here with rambling.
There you go so Ill try and post again tomorrow. Wish me luck xoox