Saturday, May 25, 2013

Letter boxes and numbers

Hi there

Well let me see where have we walked this week? To be completely honest we havent had much time to walk as LM has had her first cold. So like a typical mew mum I have kept LM inside, wrapped up and taking it really easy. But I have to get back into walking or my bottom will start getting a little wider as my sanity gets a little thinner :)

So last post I said that I would talk about letter boxes and numbers.

Well Im not sure how to put it but I have a secret obsession (well not so secret but just quiet) I am obsessed with numbers and all the different ways the single or multiple digit is represented, Im not sure why, I think it started 6 or 7 years ago when I started going for walks with my then boyfriend and now husband :)

We liked to walk and look and take photos of all the street art and graffiti that would pop up on the streets where we used to live. And I started thinking that I admired the number along with the other art work.

I like all the different colours and desgins, how big they are or how small and where they are placed espically for businesses. I started thinking that the "Number" as an entity is highly under rated as a meaningful symbol. The number of a building a business or a home is one of the major identifiers of our every day to day life, and we take it for granted. We look for numbers when we are trying to find a specific place we use them on maps on keyboards and phones. We use numbers and quianties in cooking calculating telling the time, even right now, I am inadvertently using numbers, here inside this computer as I write. We use numbers for everything.


imagine not being able to use numbers?

I guess I over think this subject a little bit but the whole thing fascinates me. So because of this I take photographs of what I feel are very interesting numbers. I even found a letter box that had no number which was interesting as at first viewing I knew there was something wrong but I couldn't put my finger on it then I realised that it was actually the absence of the number that made the whole thing look strange. So this photo is up there with my favourite numbers.

See; empty hey? I feel pretty lucky that I got this image as I would almost bet money that the next day the owner of this home would have placed a number on it.

So at the moment letter boxes are my big focus which makes sense as I am walking around suburbia and I am surrounded by numbers on these boxes all the time. So as a result I have seen hundreds and hundreds of letter boxes and numbers Mostly all of them are the generic design from your local bunnings but occasionally you get a few great ones. What I do not like how ever are the letter boxes that resemble fake wood complete with fake moss they are every where around this area

They might not seems annoying at first but after nearly 12 months of walking passed these poor excuse for nature they start to get on your nerves. You cant tell from the photo but its hard plastic and there is this faded green all over it posing as moss I guess. 

Well I think I have just had an aphfiny. I think the reason why these letter boxes annoy me is because they are so unorginal. I think I miss my walks around fabulous street art and graffiti and all I look at now are boring generic letter boxes. I think I need to hit the galleries, that will get my arty crafty back Im sure.

So maybe that will be my next post LM and I at the Gallery not sure which one but that will be a surprise.

Well LM is stirring 

Look forward to our next walk :) 

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