Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Baby Steps.

Well the dishes are done, the shirts are ironed, and the kitchen table has a limited amount of clutter on it, so I feel happy to be able to sit down with a well-deserved cuppa and type my first blog in two weeks.

Well where have we been walking? The last couple of weeks the weather has been so lovely LM and I have walked around our streets here in suburbia but also we have been lucky enough to celebrate the suns last dance before she retires for the winter and had some fantastic adventures. We have had fish and chips on the beach in Mentone, on another day we had a lovely lunch at Montanans Cafe, which was awesome, but best of all we were lucky enough to visit the beautiful land of Phillip island, which was spectacular.

So lots of walking and seeing new things but not so much pondering and thinking done in regards Bonnie Nell and the Crafty Arty. It would seem that I am stuck on what my "bread and butter" will be. I have realized that hand woven products however lovely are just a little to time consuming to make the quick money to get Bonnie Nell off the ground. I have also been reading about starting up a small business and what it takes, (which is scary enough thank you very much) and another thing that has got be a little stumped is the question how does Bonnie Nell Crafts help people? How will my products make other peoples life easier?

So these are the questions going around in my head. Now I am fully aware that Bonnie Nell crafts is not going to find a cure to cancer or create the path to world peace, but I’m not entirely sure how a hand made product can make life easier for other people.
Hmmm tough questions but also extremely boring to blog about; anyway if I come up with any ideas I will let you know or if you have any thoughts please swing them my way :)

Anyway this is my blog entry not very exciting I'm afraid but the baby waking and feeding seems to zap all my brain matter hopefully I will get better at this. Well I guess this is what the blog is for, to help my brain move again :)

Well I will sign off hopefully next time I will have something profound for you or at least funny; I think I will talk about letter boxes and numbers. 

Happy walking xoxo 

P.S here is a lovely tree we and I found on our walk, Autumn is on its way :) 

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