Monday, January 4, 2016

Frances heart

Hello my lovely reader.
Well I missed yesterday but it was sunday and well posting every day is a little silly.

So the next book i read on my literary discovery, was called "The Little Paris Bookshop" by Nina George. This book was so beautiful. The writing and descriptions transported you to the river Sans and beyond,  it actually made me want to go on a river cruise it was so beautiful. Also there is a map you can follow and see where they are in the story which is excellent.
Mostly all the main characters are men and is centered around a man whose lover was cut violently out of his life with out any explanation from her and he has become an empty shell of his former self full of pain and regret and a quiet bitterness that he clings to as protection.
Anyway, circumstances arise that take you and the main character and a awkward young author on a spontaneous journey through the country side of France meeting all the strange people as you go rediscovering his own heart and love.
Occasionally Nina (the author) takes over and gives you a little more information than the main character has,  but I feel it just adds more atherialness (not sure if that is a word or not)  or magic.
Anyway this was perfect for me as it was about a person slowly rediscovering his heart and dusting off the passion and desire that he had burried for so long. There are a few face plam moments because you cant believe he could be so stubborn/stupid/proud but his humility in that makes you forgive him.
Also the other thing I love about the main character is that at the bookshop that he owns (which is one of those long flat river boats) he "prescribes" novels and authors to his patrons like a Doctor would to a patient. A woman flondering in her career or a man with parental issues. He finds a book that holds the answer to all their existential questions.
I love this and wish I had a Book Apothecary close at hand for my state of mind sometimes (But that is an entirely other post ☺)
So I prescribe this novel to anyone feeling "wanting" in anyway.

Happy reading xoxo