Thursday, September 19, 2013

Cezsan Vs Barrack who can Choose?

Hello my lovely reader 
Well its been awhile since my last entry but lets face it life is just a little to unpredictable and hectic to be a regular blogger like I have done in the passed. I also find my time stretched between my arty crafty and my writing, of which i tend to favour my arty crafty more as that is my career choice and the blogging is - well - a hobby. 

So as it is i have actually found some time. Between LM sleeps, jet lag, my in laws and the fact that I am half way around the world and 30 hours away from my arty crafty equipment. I feel quite happy to go on a walk with you :) 

( just bear in mind jet lag is a killer so if i say anything strange id like you to just give me some leeway there cheers) 

So where are we walking today? Well how about Cananda ? Prince Edward island (PEI) to be exzact and well we all know how amazing the literary is here so i feel it only right that i do some writing in respect to this amazing place.

PEI is just beautiful the country side is everything Lucy Montgomery describes and more, minus the red dirt roads ( well there are still a few but there are alot of high ways now) and the train line has been pulled out. But other than that the beauty that the country side holds pulls on the very fibre of your heart and janks it straight up to your throat, naturally causing you to gasp ( a bit of Anne embellishment there, possibly a little more graphic than the great Lucy would have liked but you get the drift. :) ) 

So wherehave i been walking; well to be honest the only walking LM and I have done is to and from the car visiting relatives and friends of relatives and friends of Daddy's etc etc etc its actually starting to feel and bit like work having to be this polite and quite frankly I think poor LM has had enough and being a baby she holds no qualms about letting everyone know what she doesnt like. Which is refreshing to say the least.

Anyway what have we seen? well all the houses in the country side are just spectacular every where you look you feel like you have entered an oil painting from the 1800's. The difference between here and my normal route is phenomenal and can not be expressed in words i will just have to post you some images. 

Margate PEI Canada

French River PEI Canada

Philip Island Victoria Australia

Wheelers Hill Victoria Australia

But in terms of paintings I feel PEI is a Cezsan and Melbourne is a John Barrack what do you think?. Both spectacular and interesting in their own right, but also incomparable in beauty. How do you compare the urban to the country? I guess this was the same dilemma that most impressionists faced when confronted with what the industrial revolution and war brought to the cities towns and villages; moving them to look for the beauty in light within their surroundings instead of just raw beauty. 

Machines dirt and stone - wood earth and water 


Well that's our little wander around the universe for today I hope you enjoyed 

Looking forward to next time 

xoxo Allison xoxo