Friday, April 26, 2013

Who is Bonnie Nell ?

Hello there

How are you all? it has been awhile between blogs but I think its time to stat talking again.

So what has been happening? Well I finished up my masters and jumped head first into motherhood which has been an amazingly fantastic journey, but as a result everything else artistic and crafty has been pushed to one side.
It has nearly been a year since my wonder and joy came into our lives and I cant imagine my life without her. I could even be slightly obsessed but we will leave that for another blog :)
However as LMs 1st birthday looms up ahead, so does the end of my self imposed maternity leave, which is great because I have started really wanting to recapture the old artist and crafter and I would love to see that part of myself rise again, but also make it a new, with the addition of my LM brain, which is loud and very in the forefront of my mind, (but again we will leave that for another entry:) ).

Any way.......

So on one of my lovely walks with my baby (we shall call LM) I thought that I would start up a blog and just start talking, and hopefully my creativity and crafty nature will come back.

So what and who is Bonnie Nell? Well she is actually two people Bonnie and Nell are my Grandmothers and their love of craft and creativity inspired me onto my own craft/ art journey. So I have honoured them, their amazing life and skills in craft and named my own small business Bonnie Nell Crafts

So what does Bonnie Nell Crafts produce? Well to start with, I will start out with hand woven scarves and once off hand machine embroidered badges and patches, and then go from there.

So what will this blog do? Well hopefully it will get my mind out of baby world and get me back into the real world, but also on my walks with LM I have these amazing thoughts and ideas and see some fantastic sights and quirky things that I would love to share with people but since its just LM and me the moment just slips away. So this is what "Bonnie Nell's Walk" is; you will be taking our walks with us, minus the cardio vascular feel :) of course. So in short you will be getting all the pleasant Autumn colours, Spring breezes, winter snaps, and summer warmth, coming to you through this little blog. All without putting your sneakers on :)

Well thats what this is I will post when LM gives me the time and hopefully you will join the chat with me.

So there is nothing else to say except lets get walking :)